Service Industry Association (SIA) Announces Roundtable Results and Global Schedules for 2013
SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Service Industry Association (SIA), a non-profit association of enterprises involved in the support of high-technology products, announced the Atlanta roundtable just finished was filled to capacity with very positive results from the high level information sharing discussions of some 40 Presidents, C-Level executives invited to this event. Michael Blumberg, Principal and Owner of Blumberg Advisory Group, a specialized aftermarket and reverse logistics market research and strategic business consulting firm, and Ray Miller, National Sales Director of Customer Service Delivery Platform (CSDP), a leading provider of Service Relationship Management (SRM©) solutions, both experts in service operations, led the thought provoking discussions.
“Breaking into the Asia market; U.S. Market”
According to one of the participants who was invited, “I found this event both informative and productive with the networking of other companies’ top level executives extremely useful. I am already in discussions with some to partner both on contracts and for useful information to run my company.”
The roundtable discussed KPIs (key performance indicators) involved in achieving operational excellence within depot repair, service parts, and onsite maintenance businesses. Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Advisory Group, led this discussion. “Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have always been integral to how service managers have managed and monitored their operations,” commented Randy Parks, SIA President and Vice President of Logistical Maintenance Solutions (LMS), an onsite IT service provider in North America. “Interestingly, we’ve used the same KPIs year after year, without questioning their validity. Michael revealed some important considerations about which KPIs we should be considering based on our individual business requirements.”
The second discussion provided a follow up from the SIA Keynote at the 2013 Summit. This session discussed how to make your leads “Sales Ready” and provided much information on using social media as tools to increase your business and was led by Ray Miller, Sales Director CSDP. The final discussion – Virtual Business Process Outsourcing – IRS reclassification requirements for independent contractors “1099” vs. employee status was added extemporaneously and will be further discussed in the September 12 roundtable in San Francisco, the next roundtable in the U.S. The other topic, “Trends in Managed Services Business Model; diagnostics, pricing, billing of managed services,” will be part of the discussion topics at the September roundtable. The final U.S. roundtable for the year will be held in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on December 5.
The July 25 EU roundtable will be held in Scotland and focus on partnerships between SIA EU members and members in the U.S. We will discuss competitive activity and Digital Right to Repair, where we promote the owner of digital equipment’s right to repair and longevity of the digital equipment they own.
Our inaugural Asia roundtable will take place in Singapore on September 26 just after the Singapore Grand Prix. This roundtable will discuss “Breaking into the Asia market; U.S. Market” – challenges and opportunities as well as the logistical challenges of doing business in Asia.
About SIA
SIA promotes customer choices. “We will continue to be the customer advocacy association looking out for the end-users’ interest around the globe. The SIA’s goal is to equip our members with the information and resources that will help them thrive in the markets they service and compete on a level playing field, here and around the globe,” said Claudia Betzner, Executive Director of SIA. The SIA was founded in 1985 as the leading trade association for companies engaged in the repair of electronic hardware and those that support the high technology service industry. Members include independent service providers, hardware OEMs, consultants, software companies, and logistics support companies. For more info on SIA go to For more information on how you can be a part of customer advocacy promoting owner’s rights go to
About Blumberg Advisory Group
A leading research & consulting firm to the Reverse Logistics and Aftermarket Services Industry and pioneers in helping companies manage service as a strategic profit center, Blumberg is in a unique position to identify critical industry trends, position clients strategically to meet current challenges and new growth opportunities, and advise clients on mergers and acquisitions.
About CSDP
CSDP is the only process-driven provider of Service Relationship Management (SRM©) software and services for organizations to automate and optimize every aspect of post-sales service delivery including field service, reverse logistics, and customer support. CSDP’s software helps clients by beginning with service contract, warranty, and entitlement management to improve service delivery revenues and operational efficiencies and increase customer satisfaction.
Service Industry Association
Claudia J. Betzner, Exec. Dir.