Best Summit Ever
Record-Breaking Service Industry Association Event
Annual event attracts more executive attendees than ever as well as top 2 analysts
SAN DIEGO, CA. April 19, 2016 – The Service Industry Association (SIA), a global organization of companies who support the high technology service supply chain, announced today the organization’s momentum as demonstrated by the success of its 2016 Summit. Held last week in Las Vegas, the conference drew more than 70 companies who support billions of dollars in high technology equipment around the world to the 2 1/2 day event. Both of the industry’s featured leading analysts, Gartner and IDC, presented recent research and findings, as did the major subject matter M&A expert, Covington Associates, and private equity firm Bregal Sagemount Capital.
Gartner analyst Christine Tenneson spoke about her March 2016 report, Competitive Landscape: Leveraging Third-Party Maintenance Providers for Data Center and Network Maintenance Cost Optimization, North America. “End-user interest and demand for alternatives to OEM support for data center and network maintenance are increasing, fueled by a need for cost optimization, particularly for post-warranty and EOSL data center and network devices”, the report states. “Reasons for this include an increased overall awareness of the TPM market, increased brand awareness of individual TPM providers, increased investment in TPMs by private equity, and an increased focus by sourcing and procurement departments on researching alternatives to OEM maintenance.”
The presenters and panelists, which included many of the global SIA member companies themselves, also addressed topics about the impact of the digital economy and international expansion, among others. The association and its annual Summit gain more traction each year as these ISI business owners supporting technologies and environments which include data centers, laptops, point of sale (POS) technologies, printers, networking technologies, servers, and storage devices, convene to share best practices and trends.
“The SIA is becoming more important than ever,” commented Tom York, SIA Board President and CEO of Essintial Enterprise Solutions. “We’ve seen the demand for our organizations to partner and collaborate grow significantly, and now it’s being validated by the subject matter experts who talk to end users all over the world daily. We’re excited for the projected growth forecasts predicted by the industry’s top two analysts, and look forward to also growing the membership as a result.”